Friday, August 04, 2006

Tide table error for Brest!

There is a serious error in the tidal information for Brest (page 400) and Oban in the Reeds PBO Small Craft 2006 Almanac. We are trying to alert as many mariners as possible to this, and are asking yacht clubs, marinas, harbourmasters, chandleries and bookshops to display a notice to this effect. The correct tidal information is available on our website for download, so please do visit

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Renegade's first launch

Andy Morris says"I met the original owners of Renegade who said they launched her at Glasson dock on Jubilee day 1977 and were featured in the paper as the boat pulled down all the bunting at Garstag as she was towed to her launching place! That's near Lancaster in Lancs. They are sailing a Victoria 38 now in the Caribbean called' Suerte,' Sue & David are their names, I think they had partners as you do now,
Anyway, nice to make contact and share some info with you. I mean to get the old owner of my old UFO to write a piece about the hurricane, he is quite old and I always remember he reminded me of Francis Chichester with his yellow plastic oilskins and maverk way he sailed!
Cheers and good sailing!
Andy Morris