Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Renegade visits Les Minquiers

Ready to take Renegade to every last nook and cranny we decided that yesterday was ideal for visiting Les Minquiers aka The Minkies. We left St Helier in the late morning in bright sunshine and with the wind SW2. There was barely a ripple on the sea, but we made steady, if not rapid progress. As we approached The Minkies we could see the extent of the plateau of jagged rocks, which occupied the horizon between south and west. The east going tide was pulling at the green buoy, which marks the only route in to Maitresse Ile anchorage, but passing the buoy there were still three miles to go. Following a series of leading lines and transits lead to the final approach to the anchorage, but there was insufficient water for Renegade to enter. We waited an hour until there should have been more than 3m above chart datum, but we were still unable to get in. Regretting that we had been unable to set foot "ashore"we turned Renegade's bow back toward Jersey and arrived at St Helier just after sunset

ready for the beef stew which Dennis had been preparing in the galley.


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